Find out everything about New Zealand’s study admissions, financial aid, and visa requirements here


New Zealand has a noteworthy advanced education framework. The nation has eight colleges altogether, which are all remembered for the best 500 in the QS World University Rankings 2018.

Notwithstanding these colleges, there are 18 innovation and polytechnic organizations. These foundations assist Students with creating professional abilities through more useful and active encounters.

Generally, in the Education System Strength Rankings of 2016, New Zealand set sixteenth. As a fairly little country, with a population assessed at 4.7 million, this is a critical accomplishment. Superior grade in schooling is accomplished through the execution of the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF).

Quite possibly the most alluring highlight of advanced education in New Zealand is the class size. Classes are little, which considers undeniable degrees of coach/students connection and tutoring.

Reason to Study in New Zealand

New Zealand offers international students a top-notch insight. With its beautiful scenery, perpetual open-air undertakings, well-disposed local people, and legitimate instructive establishments, New Zealand is a magnificent decision for undergrad and postgraduate examination. Contingent upon your decision of area, energetic urban communities, open-air pursuits, and social trips will guarantee your life outside of college is pretty much as occupied and various as your examinations!

New Zealand Culture and Lifestyle

New Zealander’s are notable for their laid-back way to deal with life and are worldwide viewed as an inviting and agreeable country. Rugby is a massively significant piece of the way of life in New Zealand. It is instilled in its general public and culture, and New Zealand is known to have a significant number of the world’s most very much respected rugby crews.

Maori culture is likewise a major piece of life in New Zealand. Maoris are the native individuals of New Zealand and their way of life impacts everyday life there. The Maori language is additionally present in New Zealand, and you might hear a similar spot alluded to by two unique names – the Maori name and the English name.

In contrast to different nations, New Zealand is divided into two sections; the North Island and the South Island. It is feasible to go between the two, typically by a 3 ½ hour ship ride.

The biggest urban areas are Auckland and Wellington in the North Island and Christchurch in the South. In 2017, Auckland was positioned eighth on the Global Liveability Ranking 2017, scoring 95.7 out of 100.

Top New Zealand Universities

In the QS World University Rankings 2021, the eight New Zealand colleges that positioned in the worldwide top 500 were:

• Auckland University of Technology

• Massey University

• Lincoln University

• University of Waikato

• University of Canterbury

• Victoria University of Wellington

• University of Otago

• University of Auckland

The University of Auckland

This is New Zealand’s most noteworthy positioning college, accomplishing 85th spot in the QS World University Rankings 2021.

As the biggest college in New Zealand, it has  students population of more than 40,000 pupils; 7000 of whom are international students from 120 nations throughout the planet. The college, situated in the harbor city of Auckland, has been cast a ballot one of the best 30 best students urban areas by QS in 2017.

College of Otago

Known for being New Zealand’s first college, Otago was set up in 1869. Otago University is in the city of Dunedin, the second-biggest city on the South Island. The college is globally rumored for its greatness and positioned at 175 in the 2021 QS World University Rankings. There are more than 195 undergrad and postgraduate courses accessible across Health Sciences, Sciences, Humanities, and Business.

Victoria University of Wellington

Situated in Wellington, Victoria University is positioned as the main college in New Zealand and regularly positioned among the world’s best colleges. In the 2017/18 QS World University Rankings, it set 219th, while additionally getting a five-star University rating across every one of the eight classifications evaluated. Top subjects to learn at Victoria incorporate Law, Archeology, English, and History, which are completely positioned in the main 100 of the QS World University Rankings by Subject.

Because of its area, the college profits by its closeness to and relations with the public authority, worldwide offices, natural associations, and exploration establishments.

Mainstream Courses in New Zealand

College Degrees

• Graduate Diploma in Information Technology

• Graduate Diploma in Animation

• National Diploma in Science

• Graduate Diploma in Lab Technology

• Engineering

• Postgraduate Degrees

• Post Graduate Diploma of Computer Graphic Design

• Master of Business Administration

• Master of Professional Accounting

• PG Diploma in Agricultural Science

international Students 

Expenses for International Students

In contrast to different spots throughout the planet where expenses are more norm the nation over, the educational expense rate in New Zealand is set by singular foundations. Thusly the expenses differ enormously and are reliant upon the organization at which you are considering, just as the subject that you pick. By and large, degrees in expressions of the human experience and sociologies are the least expensive, with science and designing projects costing more.

Educational expenses for unfamiliar students are more prominent than those for homegrown students, even though there are events when charges for international studentss are dropped, for example, on Ph.D. programs. For international studentss, educational expenses regularly range somewhere in the range of NZ$22,000 and NZ$32,000 for four-year certifications and NZ$26,000 to NZ$37,000 for postgraduate courses. In any case, a dentistry or medication degree can have expenses of up to NZ$75,000. These charges are per annum.

A few colleges likewise charge an extra expense for students administrations and organization costs. The University of Otago, for instance, charges NZ$798 per person.

For full subtleties on educational expenses at all New Zealand colleges, visit the Te P? kai Tara site for additional data.

international Students should demonstrate that they can monetarily uphold themselves when concentrating in New Zealand. To do this, understudies should have NZ$1,250 each month for an examination period in New Zealand of under nine months and NZ$15,000 if they will stay in New Zealand as an student for more. This should be notwithstanding the sum needed for educational expenses and bringing airfare back.


New Zealand offers an assortment of grants for foreign students wishing to study there, some of which are given by the public authority. Grants vary contingent upon your nation of home, the subject you wish to study and the level at which you will consider.


Top Scholarships to Apply for in New Zealand 

While there are a few Awards accessible, here is a rundown of a portion of the top grants you might wish to apply for on the off chance that you choose to study in New Zealand:

Fulbright New Zealand US Graduate Award: This grant is for US students needing to contemplate a postgraduate or exploration program. The degree can be at any New Zealand college and covers any field or subject. This grant upholds studentss with the expense of educational cost, living, airfares, and the sky is the limit from there.

New Zealand Foreign Affairs and Trade Scholarships: This grant is accessible to students from the Pacific and South-East Asia at the undergrad or postgraduate level. It gives full subsidizing to students to cover a scope of living and contemplating costs.

New Zealand International Doctoral Research Scholarships: This grant goes on for as long as three years for international students in Ph.D. programs. This grant is granted to pupils dominating in their scholastic investigations. Full educational expenses and all living expenses are covered.

There are likewise college explicit freedoms that you might wish to consider:

Auckland University of Technology: This college offers a few honors for foreign students.

Lincoln University: Scholarships for different subjects and study levels are accessible. See the site for additional subtleties.

Massey University Doctoral Scholarship: Scholarships for foreign doctoral students.

Southern Institute of Technology: Scholarships accessible for global students.

College of Auckland International Student Scholarships: Scholarships for all degrees of study.

College of Canterbury: Various grants accessible for worldwide students.

College of Otago: Several Awards for postgraduate investigations.

College of Waikato: The International Excellence Scholarship, granted in light of scholastic greatness for both homegrown and global students learning at all levels.

Victoria University of Wellington: Several chances are accessible for foreign students.

Low maintenance Work and Making Money in New Zealand 

The student visa for foreign students in New Zealand permits only one student to work for a limit of 20 hours while concentrating during term time and full time on occasions. Postgraduate students, reading for a Master’s certification or Ph.D., are allowed to work for a limitless number of hours out of each week consistently.

Living Costs in New Zealand 

Living expenses in New Zealand are genuinely sensible. While more costly than concentrating in Asia, it is less expensive than going to college in the UK or the US. students Worldwide  studying in New Zealand would for the most part need around NZ$25,000 each year if spending cautiously on a careful spending plan. You should expand this spending plan if you will in general discover planning hard or lean toward a more sumptuous way of life!

The significant urban areas, like Christchurch, Auckland, and Wellington, do accompany a greater cost of living. While these urban areas rank as more reasonable than New York and London, you ought to be ready for expanded living expenses in case you are trusting T center point concentrate there. Lodging costs in Auckland, for instance, will be around NZ$150-300 and food costs around NZ$80-100 every week.

Numerous convenience alternatives are accessible to international studentss in New Zealand. Corridors of home are accessible, just as private convenience to lease, or on the other hand, in case you are worried about missing your family or passing up home-prepared suppers, you might consider a homestay. If you pick a homestay, you will be put to live with a family nearby to the space, and they will give the entirety of your dinners to you. This will without a doubt offer you a real New Zealand experience.

Student Visa 

The student visa prerequisites for foreign students rely upon the measure of time you are anticipating concentrating in New Zealand. In case you are there for under 90 days, you will want to remain in the nation and complete your examinations on a guest visa. If you will remain for over 90 days, you should apply for an student visa. For this visa, you should, right off the bat, secure a college situation. The public authority then, at that point requires proof of adequate assets for charges and living expenses, health care coverage, the accommodation of late identification photographs, and clinical proof (for a stay of more than a year). Confirmation that convenience has been coordinated is needed for students under 18. students from Australia don’t need an student visa.

To make an application, either visit your nearest New Zealand Immigration association or apply on the web. The visa application isn’t free, and its expense relies upon the country wherein you apply from, even though you can get a markdown on the off chance that you apply online.

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